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About Vrinda Foundation

About Vrinda Foundation

Vrinda Foundation is a leading non-profit organization based in Mathura Vrindavan, India. It is recognized as the best NGO in the area. It focuses primarily on poverty, child development, women empowerment, skill development, education, health, environment protection, consumer awareness, elderly care, rural development, and slum development.
The foundation provides a sustainable livelihood to underprivileged communities through skills training and promoting entrepreneurship. It also offers education programs for poor and street children, health programs, and environmental protection initiatives. The foundation encourages people to donate for livelihood and support underprivileged communities in various ways. Overall, the Vrinda Foundation’s holistic approach to development has significantly improved the lives of many individuals and communities in Mathura Vrindavan and surrounding areas.


The vision of the Vrinda Foundation is to create a world where everyone has access to necessities such as food, education, and healthcare. The foundation is committed to promoting a society where individuals and communities can thrive and become self-sufficient. Through its various initiatives, the Vrinda Foundation aims to address the pressing issues of poverty and inequality in India.


The mission of the Vrinda Foundation is to empower vulnerable communities and promote sustainable development in India. Here are 10 key points that outline the foundation’s mission:
  1. Provide access to necessities such as food, education, and healthcare.
  2. Promote women’s empowerment and gender equality.
  3. Address the issue of poverty in rural areas and promote livelihood opportunities.
  4. Offer education programs for poor and street children.
  5. Provide healthcare services to individuals in need.
  6. Promote sustainable environmental practices to protect the planet.
  7. Raise awareness about consumer rights and promote consumer protection.
  8. Provide elderly care and support to ensure their well-being.
  9. Offer rural development programs to promote sustainable living.
  10. Promote slum development to provide better living conditions for those in urban areas.
  11. Overall, the Vrinda Foundation aims to create a more equitable and sustainable society in India through various initiatives.